Sandra Vračan
Court interpreter for the German language
PhD in Law with long professional experience
PhD in Law with long professional experience
I graduated from the Faculty of Law in Zagreb. I gained my master’s and doctor’s degree at the same faculty. I passed the bar exam in 2006.
Before becoming a lawyer, I gained extensive experience at all levels of the state legal system (within the judiciary, local and regional self-government, government administration).
I’m a court interpreter for the German language.
I also actively use business and legal English language, at the C2 level.
Drafting of private lawsuits, criminal charges, indictments on the basis of which infringement proceedings are initiated, complaints, appeals, extraordinary remedies as well as all other submissions, motions, requests and applications.
Representation at all stages of infringement and criminal proceedings.
Drafting of marriage contracts, actions for annulment of marriage, divorce actions, actions to determine and divide assets acquired in the marriage, agreements on the division of assets acquired in the marriage, joint applications for divorce, plans for joint parental care. Representation in proceedings for divorce or annulment of marriage, proceedings to determine the existence or invalidity of marriage, proceedings for the establishment or disputing parenthood, proceedings concerning the custody over minor children as well as proceedings to establish or abolish a legal maintenance obligation.
Drafting of employment contracts, work regulations and other internal acts, applications for the protection of labour rights, actions to declare wrongful dismissal and reinstate the worker as well as interpretation of all other institutions in labour law (salary, probation, dismissal, working hours, overtime, redistribution of working hours, determination of annual leave, prohibition of market competition with the employer).
Representation in labour disputes.
Drafting of contracts in the field of the protection of property rights, commonhold property, servitudes, encumbrances, tenancy rights and liens as well as complaints and appeals.
Representation in all types of land-registry procedures.
Drafting and interpreting of wills, inheritance declarations (acceptance and waiver of inheritance), legacies, remedies.
Representation in succession proceedings.
Drafting applications for enforcement, suspension of enforcement, recognition of a foreign court decision, submissions, complaints and appeals as well as interpretation of all other institutions in enforcement law (subjects and means of enforcement, enforceable titles, enforcement based on an authentic document, remedies, account exempted from enforcement).
Representation in enforcement proceedings.
Iznimka političkog kaznenog djela u međunarodnim ugovorima, Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, broj 3/2008.
Procesnopravne mjere protiv počinitelja obiteljskog nasilja, Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu, Zagreb, vol. 16, broj 1/2009.
Praktična primjena Opće uredbe o zaštiti podataka (GDPR) u organizacijama u sustavu provedbe veterinarske djelatnosti, Zbornik radova Veterinarski dani, Primošten 2019.